Refreshing Things Players Discovered about Apex Legends

In the early days of the Apex Legends meta, besides the legendary weapons, it looked like the Peacekeeper was on the top of the wish list of every hopeful player dropping into the hot zone or rushing into the final encounter of the game. But now it looks like the Peacekeeper was simply a false flag: and the real apex weapon is actually the Wingman. Battle royale game Apex Legends has only been out for a few weeks and Fortnite is already copying one of its best ideas, with today's Season 8 update adding a ping system alongside other new stuff like pirate ships and a giant volcano. If you are you looking for more about Buy Apex Legends Apex Coins check out our website.

I imagine it's hard being a leaker: you're doing something you're not meant to do, and online anonymity doesn't exactly instil confidence. What if you happen upon an exciting leak, but no one believes you? Worse still, what if it just attracts a bunch of lukewarm takes? That's what happened to Reddit user hiticonic eleven months ago when, with virtually no fanfare, they leaked the Apex Legends map in the Titanfall subreddit. Lifeline is Apex Legends'support-focused hero. She is always there to make sure her teammates stay healthy. Her abilities may not be combat focused, but they're still crucial for team survival. We've got all the tips you need to use Lifeline's abilities, making sure your squad is in ship shape.

Apex Legends features a varied cast of characters that bring their own unique set of skills to the intense battle royale. Though many of these heroes fall into the same archetypes you would expect from familiar online shooters, each character's abilities have a special twist to them that can open up some interesting strategies and dynamics within the squad. With every match yielding their own situational encounters and tense gunfights, you'll need to know the ins and out of your character to survive, while also knowing what to do should you cross paths with them on the field.

One of the best parts of Apex Legends is the incredible gun balance Respawn Entertainment has achieved out of the gate. Unlike the Legends themselves, every gun feels as viable as the next with only a few exceptions. And a lot of this is because each gun has its own drawbacks that don't make it universally great for every situation. One of the most refreshing things players discovered about Apex Legends, which came out February 4, was that they didn't need to get on a mic to strategize with whoever else happened to be in their three-person squad. Instead, they could simply press a button to ping their teammates about enemy locations and unopened equipment caches. Now you can do the same thing in Fortnite.

For most Legends, reviving a teammate takes too long in the middle of a fight. If an enemy downs one of your squad mates they might try to rush you before you can revive. Thanks to her passive, Lifeline can get her allies up fast enough to catch enemies off guard. Lifeline's revive shield can work as makeshift cover.